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원어민 강사에게 영어를 영어로 ! - Full Sentence English Ⅰ(중급)


총 학습일:390일 | 학습시간:8시간 | 난이도:중급 | 강사:Kelly Frances | 강의금액:60,000원 | 교재:없음
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    - 통문장 영어 학습을 통하여 영어 구사에 대한 자신감 및 순발력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.
    - 영어 문장 전체의 리듬과 억양을 익혀 영어 커뮤니케이션의 기본기를 확보할 수 있습니다.


    - It seems to me = In my opinion 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - I think I like = It seems to me something is positive 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - You look like = I think 에 대해 학습합니다.
    - That's what she told me 에 대해 학습합니다.


    - 원어민 강사의 100% 영어강의로 발음을 마스터하고 싶은 학습자
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    학습방법 : HTML5
    학습정원 : 150명

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    원어민 강사에게 영어를 영어로 ! - Full Sentence English Ⅰ(중급)
    1. It seems to me = In my opinion 11 분
    2. Can I have = asking if something is possible 11 분
    3. Do you want to ~ = Would you like ~ 10 분
    4. I'm trying to = I'm fighting 11 분
    5. Where can I~ = Talking about a place we don't know12 분
    6. Which one = I'm asking someone to make a choice 11 분
    7. Is it all right = Is it okay with that? 12 분
    8. How do you feel = Asking someone about their emotions or feelings 12 분
    9. I think I like = It seems to me something is positive 12 분
    10.You seem to = Telling what I think, what I can tell or what I observe 11 분
    11.re you = Looking for information about someone 11 분
    12.I just wanted = I decided right now that I want something 12 분
    13.Why don't you = Asking or suggesting that something should be done 11 분
    14.Would it be possible = To ask for a favor 11 분
    15.Do you know = questions, but really telling 11 분
    16.Do you know why = simple and direct way to get information 11 분
    17.You look like = I think 12 분
    18.What about = a gentle sugestion 11 분
    19.I was wondering if = I'm thinking about 12 분
    20.It's about time 12 분
    21.I can't believe = I'm very surprised 11 분
    22.I don't care about = It's not important 12 분
    23.I think you'd better = Telling what I think someone should do 12 분
    24.You don't have to = Telling someone they have a choice 12 분
    25.You'll have to = It's very important 13 분
    26.That's because = Making a reply, Always a response 12 분
    27.It doesn't hurt to = It's okay, It's good 11 분
    28.I wish there = What we really want in the future 12 분
    29.I'd like to point out = I want you to pay attention to 12 분
    30.That is one of = This one is different from the others 12 분
    31.There is no need to = You don't have to, it's not important to 12 분
    32.ot everyone = People are different 12 분
    33.That's what she told me 11 분
    34.I didn't know that 10 분
    35.I have a feeling that you're angry with me 12 분
    36.You must be exhausted 12 분
    37.If I were you, I would be careful 12 분
    38.It seems like a good idea 12 분
    39.Would you like me to give you a ride? 11 분
    40.What do you think about your new job?11 분


    강사명 Kelly Frances

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